Happy Friday!

Thanks so much for all your sweet comments! We are really excited for this new little life to totally flip ours upside down! I'll do my best not to turn this into a pregnancy blog but if it happens, well, it'll only go on for another 6-7 months and then it will turn into a baby blog.

That said... I have nothing new to blog about today. In the excitement to tell my family about the baby, I forgot to take pictures of the scarves I made (insert you rolling your eyes here). Shocker? Nah not really...

Well... life is hectic. Last weekend was spent spring cleaning our apartment because it had gotten that bad. We have had something to do almost every night this week except for last night (so my husband took me on an impromptu date - which I always love). The busy-ness will continue through this weekend and let me just tell you, it's not really fun stuff. Sorting through tax papers, looking for a house/job, and trying to squeeze in cleaning and exercise.

Is it a surprise that I've gone to bed at 9 pm almost every night?


Wait, actually last night I went to bed at 8:20. Literally fell asleep trying to read/prepare for our High School Group discussions.

Oh, and it's not like I'm waking up at 4 in the morning or anything. I've been full on getting 9+ hours of sleep every night.

They say in your first trimester you're super tired all the time (on top of all the nausea and morning sickness that you're also supposed to experience) but I think I just assumed that no morning sickness = no pregnancy symptoms at all! Which isn't really the case.

I'm terribly sorry for the missing fun posts but to be honest, I don't consider doing 6 loads of laundry something that needs to be posted about. Unless you think it's "fun" to wash dishes, do laundry and calculate federal taxes paid in the year 2011, in which case, let me know and I'll bore you to death with my escapades in cleaning bathtubs and vaccuuming floors. (I never really know how to spell vaccuum.)

But you know what I'm thankful for? My husband. He really is the very best husband in the whole wide world and he really does make it more fun for me to have to do all these non-fun things. Like promising me a dinner date for all the *ahem* hard work I'm doing growing this baby. He really is the best.

Even when I force him to go to Disneyland with me.

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