Life choices and sanity

Guys. Tell me I'm not crazy.

I got white covers for our Karlstad love seat. 

(Here's where you tell me I'm not crazy, it's the best decision I've ever made.)

We scored the love seat plus a matching footstool on Craigslist for $100. I know, right? The guy felt bad because he had posted it was a sofa when it was in fact the smaller love seat. He dropped the price and threw in the footstool and I was sold. I figured I'd just buy a new set of covers since they were only $40 at IKEA. Well, correction, the white covers were only $40. 
I texted my college roommate who has the same white sofa (and 2 boys) to see how they hold up. I got the thumbs up and decided to take the plunge. Brian rolled his eyes but he knew I wanted to replace the covers and when I told him it was a $100 price difference to match our dark gray sofa, he acquiesced. And yes, before I even finished putting the white covers on, Maddie threw up on it. It scrubbed right off with a wipe so I'm not crazy, right?

Here's the pic I would post on Instagram if I knew how to do Instagram right

P.S. I made that dark gray pillow cover by folding the pillow case that came with our duvet and stuffing a pillow inside. The easiest, laziest DIY I've ever done.

And here's real life. Welcome to the uglier side of Instagram. 

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