Great Expectations

You know what really helps moving/packing? Lowering your expectations. Or removing them completely. Here's my revised checklist of things to do:
  • Have the glider chair covered before the move. Wait until my parents come after the baby is born to paint and recover it (need a project to keep my dad busy while my mom hogs the baby, so says my dad). 
  • Pack clothes nice and neatly into moving boxes. Throw clothes into trash bags. So college. So easy.
  • Get more moving boxes. Throw anything soft into trash bags. So college. So easy.
  • Finish crocheting baby blanket. It's August and like a million degrees outside. She won't need a blanket for at least a few months.
  • Pack hospital bag. Who am I kidding? It will literally take me 5 minutes to throw some leggings, underwear, and a shirt into a bag with my makeup and other toiletries. I'm not the "I need to have my special playlist on my iPod with my squishy robe and my organic snacks" type. We already decided we're going to hit up Little Caesars on the way to the hospital. I kid. Kind of. 
  • Have nursery ready before baby gets here. Have changing table and crib set up. Decorations and DIY mobiles can wait. 
  • Pack diaper bag for hospital. Done! Don't ask me how that one got accomplished because I don't remember.
  • Pack up the rest of the apartment. I feel there is no way around this one. So instead I will watch the Olympics.
  • Eat all the food in our fridge so I don't have to pack it up. Done. I kid. Kind of. Mustard and prunes anyone?
  • Finalize which washer/dryer we want. Wear everything in our closet until we run out.
See? I already feel so much better, like I've already accomplished so much just by lowering/removing those expectations. Ahh...

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